

Bend It Like Bikram

I constantly continue to try and rotate my workouts. If you didn't know by now I am a Pilates entrepreneur and invest most of my training in the holistic values of Pilates and Xtend. On a whim, though, I decided that I wanted to change it up a bit- like 105 degrees up. Unfortunately for me there was no looking pretty after the Bikram Yoga class, I walked out looking like I just showered but the fact of the matter is that the benefits are completely worth the drenched downpour of sweat. 

Between the twenty-six Hatha Yoga poses and the two Pranayama breathing exercises, all ninety minutes of the class will challenge, invigorate, rejuvenate and give you an effective yoga experience. Conducted in a heated room (mentioning of 105 degrees), Bikram Yoga detoxifies the body through perspiration, tones the muscles and flushes every cell and organ in the body.  No matter your age, injury, or prior Pilates or yoga experience (if any at all), this yoga will benefit your body and mind in ways that complement any workout routine.


  1. Thanks for posting this. There is a studio a couple blocks from my apartment and I've been meaning to try it. I'm kind of nervous for all of the heat!

  2. You can do it! The heat is an adjustment but trust me- its so worth it. :)


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