

Brunch at Tiffany's with Jackie O

I'll admit that certain days of my life I pretend are a movie and actually growing up my Nana told me to pretend my life was the leading role in a film so I would always behave and act like a lady. Funny how things turn out... I won't say that I'm this proper lady (close but not fully there) and to add another 'Nana one-liner', she would say you that if you had to tell someone you're a lady- well your behavior must be saying something otherwise. I think I'd have to agree with her on this one. However, these dresses remind me of simply that. When women would always be dolled up and fashion was a statement not drafted but mainly accidental. I adore these dresses from Dig for Victory, they remind that I want to spend my mornings window shopping while eating breakfast and wearing my pearls.

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