

Pardon The Interruption

Dearest Friends, Followers & Fellow Bloggers:

It has been requested that I take a "Time Out" from writing about the usual- Fashion, Fitness, Food, Events, Music & Decor. As an active member of Oceana, ASPCA and PETA; just a few to mention, I have been embarking on a liberating experience. As I continue my pledge to be "a voice" I take to heart all the support that has unified around the devastating operations that have placed our many habitats in danger.
Please realize there is no claim to sainthood in my sight, I don't ask for it to be in yours either- my career is in fashion and I love what I do. However, I have made it a point to educate myself on what I wear, eat and use in my everyday life. I believe that there is a happy ending where all habitats can coexist and extinction goes extinct it's self. 
All I ask that you recognize what is happening in the world around us. Educate yourself on what we can do to make a difference, even if it is the tiniest of difference... recycle your plastic water bottle and begin to use a Nalgene bottle- WOO HOO, it makes a difference. I invite you to check out and research the situations that we face in saving our habitats. Join me and 'pledge' or simply acknowledge what it is I'm blogging about. Either one, it makes a big difference. 

Get Involved- Know Their Rights- Be Their Voice- Play Your Role

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this! I'm also a part of Oceana! You should go to too. They have lots of petitions for animal, environmental, and human rights. It's great to know you care!


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